Module Presentations

Tuple Documentation of
Each presentation record contains the following fields:
1) Presentation id: used for referencing presentations in other files. The prefix prsnt_ is automatically added before each presentation id.
2) Presentation flags. See for a list of available flags.
3) Presentation background mesh: See for a list of available background meshes.
4) Triggers: Simple triggers that are associated with the presentation. some intro text here. Perhaps also add chapter with default game engine presentations

Presentation Flags

Tthe following presentation flags are available for usage:

prsntf_manual_end_only Missing description
prsntf_read_only Missing description

Text Flags

Tthe following presentation flags are available for usage:

tf_center_justify Missing description
tf_double_space Missing description
tf_left_align Missing description
tf_right_align Missing description
tf_single_line Missing description
tf_scrollable Missing description
tf_scrollable_style_2 Missing description
tf_vertical_align_center Missing description
tf_with_outline Missing description

Colour Codes

The format of colour codes in MaBL follows the system 0xAARRGGBB. The first values stand for the alpha (transparency) component and the ones afterwards for the red, green and blue components, the classic RGB colour system converted to the HEX system. So to make RED you would use the code 0xFFFF0000 which would set red to 256, blue to 0 and green to 0. Knowing how to blend colours will help if you work with colours other than the standard ones.[1] The basic colour codes are as follows:

blue 0xFF0000FF light blue 0xFF00D8FF red 0xFFFF0000
yellow 0xFFFFFF00 pink 0xFFFF00FF purple 0xFF600089
black 0xFF000000 white 0xFFFFFFFF green 0xFF00FF00
brown 0xFF704800

The alpha takes as well values within the range of 0 and 255 in hex system, where 0 (0x00) is full transparent (invisible) and 255 (0xFF) is not transparent at all.[2]

Calculating colour codes via code, Somebody, Modding Q&A, and dunde, Python Script/Scheme Exchange

Other notes

In-game Cursor

The cursor is a part of the window itself, and so you cannot use shaders to alter it.[3]

Crosshair/Reticle Size

The crosshair can be found at the texture, the part of the texture which contains the Native crosshairs is in the upper left section. If you are only getting a color change it might be because you have not edited the alpha map - this is the part of the texture which will define the "shape" of your crosshair - alpha textures define what is visible and what is not.[4]

The reticle size as well as the varying size while aiming are getting determined by the accuracy and the damage values of the ranged weapon. It is drawn by the engine and not by a presentation. You can reduce the reticle size by raising the accuracy and by lowering the damage and vice versa.[5]

Remaining notes

Only one active presentation at any time, Somebody, Modding Q&A

New menu background, Somebody, Modding Q&A

prsntf_read_only flag, Caba`drin, Modding Q&A

overlay_set_area_size, Somebody, Modding Q&A

Arena training presentation, Somebody, Modding Q&A

Something about a flag and dxt7, Vornne, Modding Q&A

presentation coordinates, Vornne, Modding Q&A

mouse hovers above troop name, Caba`drin, Modding Q&A

Rendering order, Vornne and Lav, Modding Q&A

tf_right_align, cmpxchg8b, Modding Q&A

text flag, Caba`drin, Modding Q&A

presentation basics, Vornne and MadVader, Modding Q&A

prsnt_game_escape, The_dragon, Modding Q&A, and Lumos, Modding Q&A

presentation get text box s, Somebody, Modding Q&A, Modding Q&A and Modding Q&A

0 valid overlay id, MadocComadrin, Modding Q&A

overlay scales up, Lav, Modding Q&A

worldmap presentations and stuff, Ikaguia and Lav, Modding Q&A

reference for designing presentations, DerGreif (credit), Modding Q&A

no background for presentation, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

presentation triggers, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

check if presentation is finished, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

info bits about presentations, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

Kuba helper presentation, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

Presentation reference examples, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

presentations stuff, Arch3r (credit), Modding Q&A

Avoid using reg0 at presentations, kalarhan, Modding Q&A

set background mesh, Somebody and kalarhan, Modding Q&A